Dead space how are necromorphs made
Dead space how are necromorphs made

dead space how are necromorphs made

One thing we do know for sure is that the few dozen Red Markers built by humankind (including the one seized by the CEC on Aegis VII) and the hundreds produced by the Tau Volantis aliens are all reverse-engineered copies of Black Markers. But fear not, because I think there are clues that may yet shed light on the question of Marker origins. The fact of the matter is we have never gotten a straight answer about the origin of the Markers. The Markers sat at the heart of Dead Space's lore, but their origin is never explained or even hinted at in the entirety of the saga.Įven DS 3, which seemed to promise all the answers about who built the Markers and why, left us with more questions than answers: Do the Markers produce the Brethren Moons or is it the other way around? Is there a never-ending cycle of Moons producing Markers producing other Moons? What came first, the Markers or the Moons? If the Moons didn't produce the Markers and the Tau Volantis aliens only copied them, then who built the originals? Are the Markers just acausal objects of primordial chaos? Why does my head hurt? The biggest of these questions being, where did the Markers come from? The Markers were the objects of worship for the Church of Unitology and the source of each Necromorph outbreak that the player repeatedly found themselves caught in the middle of. My biggest complaint about the Dead Space saga is that it left us with too many unanswered questions.

Dead space how are necromorphs made