Funniest quotes from warhammer 40k
Funniest quotes from warhammer 40k

Mercifully most are short-lived, soon destroying themselves in a maelstrom of violence and internecine conflict, but should the Orks ever truly unify, they would crush all opposition. Amid constant, seething tides of battle and bloodshed, burgeoning Ork stellar empires rise and fall.Īn Ork Boy holding the head of an Imperial Guardsman of the Maccabian Janissaries. Orks are possibly the most warlike aliens in the 41st Millennium, and their number is beyond counting. Numerous beyond belief and driven always to fight and conquer, the Orks threaten every single intelligent species of the galaxy.

funniest quotes from warhammer 40k

Greenskins are one of the most dangerous alien races to plague the galaxy. Orks are seen by their enemies (pretty much everyone else in the universe) as primitive, barbaric, hyper-violent, and crude, but they are the most successful and widepsread intelligent species in the whole galaxy, outnumbering possibly every other intelligent starfaring species, even Humanity (with the very plausible exception of the Tyranids). They share many physical and cultural features with the dark fantasy Warhammer universe's Orcs (and were initially called "Space Orcs" to distinguish them).

funniest quotes from warhammer 40k

They are unique in that they possess the physiological features of both animals and fungi. The Orks, also called Greenskins, are a savage, warlike, green-skinned species of bestial, asexual humanoids who are spread all across the galaxy.

funniest quotes from warhammer 40k

Common Ork chant heard during a Greenskin WAAAGH!Īn icon commonly used to designate Ork activity.

Funniest quotes from warhammer 40k